IPL's List of Prohibited Items - Ensuring Safety and Comfort

Alcohol Beverages - Alcohol is not allowed inside IPL stadiums to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all spectators

Glass Containers- For safety reasons, glass containers are prohibited to prevent accidents and injuries

Weapons - Weapons of any kind are strictly banned to ensure the security of everyone attending the match

Fireworks/Crackers - Fireworks and crackers are not permitted to avoid fire hazards and disturbances during the game

Illegal Substances - Any illegal substances, including drugs, are prohibited to uphold the integrity of the sport

Musical Instruments -While cheering is encouraged, excessively loud musical instruments are not allowed to prevent disruptions

Offensive Banners -  Banners with offensive content are banned to maintain a respectful atmosphere for all fans

Large Bags - To expedite security checks, large bags are discouraged to ensure a smooth entry process

Laser Lights -  Laser lights are banned to prevent distractions to players and officials during the match

Pets - Except for service animals, pets are not allowed inside IPL stadiums for the comfort of all attendees

Drones - The operation of drones is strictly prohibited to maintain security and safety standards during matches

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