Largest Diamond Trading Hub and Office Building
On Dec 17, 2023, PM Modi unveiled Surat Diamond Bourse, a transformative moment for India's diamond industry more than a hub, a symbol of global aspirations
The SDB is the world's largest diamond trading hub, covering 660,000 square meters, surpassing even the iconic Pentagon building in US space
At SDB, merchants deal, and labs refine stones. Beyond business, it's a community a blend of work and leisure, polished to perfection
At an estimated cost of ₹3400 crore, the Surat Diamond Bourse was constructed on 35.54 acres of land
4,200 traders from 175 countries can be accommodated in the facility when they travel to Surat to purchase polished diamonds
Since the trading facility will give diamond buyers from all over the world a global platform to trade at Surat, almost 1.5 lakh people will be employed by it
During peak hours, the new integrated terminal building can accommodate 1,200 domestic passengers and 600 foreign passengers